ATLAS - Creating Dance Trails
ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival 2017

During the Atlas - Creating Dance Trails program for emerging choreographers, at the ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival 2017, the research project "The other, Beast" was started.
The other beast is an interdisciplinary artistic project that proposes to problematize the concept of the image of the other from the bestiary created by the conquerors of the American continent. Through work in contemporary dance and the audiovisual image it is proposed to re-think the monstrous bodies represented at this time and re-invent them in the contemporary era, updating the thematic fabric and forms from new devices.
The creative process will be based on the encounter of languages between contemporary and audiovisual dance, which will explore around mobility and the representation of these non-civilized bodies. The image and the body in movement will develop the construction of a singular kinetic and aesthetic regard to the corporalities of the bestiary in the contemporary reality, transiting in devices like the projection, the live camera and the collage in scene.
At the end of the residency program, a performance of the process was made.